
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Santa or the Book of Mormon?

All too often we hear Mormons say they don't need evidence to believe the Book of Mormon. Well...

Every December children across the world look forward to Santa coming on December 25th because he's bringing them presents.  They believe this not because they've seen Santa, his reindeer, or even an elf. Quite the opposite in fact.  They've been told he's real by Mom and Dad.  Even told that they had better be in bed when he gets there or else he'll pass them by.  They read stories about Santa, watch movies and sing carols. Yet all the time never having seen him or anything that would indicate he's more than the stories they've read. They don't need evidence because they "know" Santa is real.   They can feel it.

What does this have to do with Mormonism you ask? Well.... Let's change some words around and you'll see...

Every day Mormons across the world read the Book of Mormon because they long to be exalted.  They believe this not because they've seen the Golden plates, a Lamanite , or even a Book of Mormon coin . Quite the opposite in fact.  They've been told it's real by Mom and Dad, or their local Bishop.  Even told that they had better doubt their doubts than doubt their faith or else they'll miss the highest level of Heaven.  They read stories about Joseph, watch movies and sing hymns. Yet all the time never having seen or heard anything that would indicate it's more than the stories they've read. They don't need evidence because they "know" the Book of Mormon is true.   They can feel it.

Most Mormons don't seem to understand there is more evidence to show Santa is real than there is for the Book of Mormon and yet they'll believe the Book of Mormon over Santa.  Let's look at some shall we?  First off not one person, place, or thing specific to Mormonism has been validated, not one.  There isn't even any mention of any person, place or thing specific to Mormonism outside of LDS literature.

We've all heard he gives away presents.
(Historical fact he existed and did this)

We've all heard that he
 lives in the North pole. 
(Archaeological  fact that it exist)

We've all heard he has reindeer. 

(We see these everyday)

These are only 3 examples to help support the existence of Santa Clause.  Yet Mormons have more faith for the Book of Mormon than they do Santa. Maybe that's because over time Parents finally stop trying so hard to put on a show. Or it could be that kids try harder to catch Santa only to find out it was Mom and Dad the whole time.  Mormons will be quick to tell you that you can't prove Lamanites weren't real or that they weren't annihilated at the Hill Cumorah.

Although it would help their case tremendously to show ANY proof they we're real most of us have come to realize it's just as much fiction as "The night before Christmas".  I'm also willing to bet that those who choose to ignore the lack of evidence do so because they continue to repeat the things they see and hear as children. As they get older they never stop seeing and hearing the same stories being told not realizing or caring that it is nothing more than a story. Most have invested all if not most of their lives into the story for it not to be real.

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